Exodus Of Merchants Of Death Victoria 2022

2 years ago


"That Number only brings death"

2 Days 16 Months into Australia's Vaccine Rollout Victoria and Queensland lift the last of the General workers mandates to return to work. Friday/Saturday June 24th/25th 2022.

Considered unvaccinated by your government with only two shots.


And of course people who had the good sense to not get BIO Shot injected can never see for the foreseeable future the prospect of ever working again for an employer. Will have to plant that money tree in the back yard now. lol.

Nor why would you want too at the risk of your own personal health and others who are UNJABBED at your place of residence?

Covid Gene Therapy Transmission, Shedding....

Covid Gene Therapy Self Spreading Vaccine Technology.

Recent Four Corners on Vaping vs smoking in Australian Parliament...

Former Australian Health Minister for health and Aged Care.


Kinda like US President Nixon..."I'm not a crook"

Met a former workmate supermarket shopping the other day.

Sad story. Shared by millions no doubt...

His had his two shots. Does not want the third.

Got covid in January been told he has Long Covid in June cause his fatigued all the time.

I then said that aint "Long Covid" you suffering from"

Its Vaccine induced injury.

To which he replied: I kinda have to agree with you there.

Should of done youre homework Pal....

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Lucifers Hellboy on earth.

Born 4th August 1961

The 216th Day of the year.

6x6x6 = 216

Wikipedia page number 216

Revelation Chapter 13:18

Its the calm before the storm.

We ain't seen nothing yet.

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