Dr Paul Oosterhius - AMPS Medico Legal Summit 2022

2 years ago

Dr Paul Oosterhius

Dr. Paul Oosterhuis is an Australian anaesthetist with over thirty years experience, including in critical care and resuscitation. He has been brought before the Medical Board of NSW for posting information on social media regarding COVID-19.

His posts related to early treatment and prophylaxis, PCR tests, and risk-benefit calculations regarding COVID-19 vaccination and lockdowns (scroll down for details).

Dr Oosterhuis attended a Medical Board hearing on September 3rd, at which the Board suspended his registration. At his hearing, Dr Oosterhuis presented extensive evidence on the accuracy and defensibility of his social media posts, including their public interest value.

The Board, however, declined to engage in any discussion regarding the evidence. Instead they enforced the ban on doctors contradicting the government, and suspended him without discussion.

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