He Did Not Stash His Fallout 76 Junk Now He Has Extra Baggage

4 years ago

I have weird religious views. but i really think that we are living in one of the most chill best times in human history most of the souls are now resting here on earth to enjoy the great wonders of things like video games and the cool technology we have now a days. I also believe that SinSeer is a demonic entity that can see your sins. but he was never granted the ability to see your sins but he believes he can. He is not crazy he just thinks he has special powers.
i Mean i could be Wrong based off the fact that i am making it up right now. But you never really know. i could be right. But it could explain why He Believes That I am just a greedy youtuber and that Rincewind is gross. I mean i Try and Provide Quality entertainment to everyone and Rincewind is a really honorable guy. I mean have you seen Rincewind's Low Level PvP Series? There is alot of honor to be gained by fighting in a manner that you are weak going after stronger opponents.
That being said. I hope you enjoy the video.

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