Minneapolis Mayor leads the Gay Parade…

2 years ago

Minneapolis Mayor leads the Gay Parade…

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Can anyone imagine DJT lowering himself to act like Small Fry here? Or Mitch McConnell? Or Jim Jordan? Or MTG? These sorts of performances are purely the realm of DemComs.
DemComs always be pandering in their inimitable way. This mayor is a f#@cking idiot. This is not a serious leader. Minnesoviet is not a serious state. It’s basically a mental institution. I live here – it is a hell hole … Libtards in Minneapolis, Rochester and Duluth/arrowhead run the rest of the state which is deep red! Its MN, he will get elected again and again and again. Rank voting...
Source: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/minneapolis-mayor-leads-the-gay-parade/

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