Ep. 5330 – Max Blumenthal on the Media’s Favorite Hong Kong Protest Hoaxer – 8/14/2020

3 years ago

Max Blumenthal discusses the case of Kong Tsung-gan, an “expert source” on the ground in Hong Kong, who has been quoted by many American media outlets in recent months as an authority on the separatist movement there. The problem? Kong is actually an American named Brian Kern masquerading on the internet as a native. The mainstream media, explains Blumenthal, has been happy to go along unquestioningly with Kern’s story because his narrative suits theirs: China is an oppressive and violent regime bent on the brutal subjugation of Hong Kong, and indeed of all Chinese people. Sadly, Blumenthal says, a media scandal like this has become par for the course, and is unlikely to receive serious attention.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/8-14-20-max-blumenthal-on-the-medias-favorite-hong-kong-protest-hoaxer/

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