10 Gun Builds You NEED to Use On Wipe Day

2 years ago

Tarkov Wipe Guide: https://youtu.be/P7jLbW057Yc
Max Traders in 4 Days Series: https://tinyurl.com/RengawrMaxTradersSeries
Wiki Quest Items: https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Quests

*I will be answering your questions all throughout the wipe to help you progress so don't be afraid to pop into the stream to ask your questions. I am also setting up a *quest-help-and-keys* channel in my discord so that people can group up to progress even without flea market.*

I stream everyday on Twitch from 2pm Eastern until around 11:59pm link down below.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rengawr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rengawrlol
Discord: https://discord.gg/kaxgtfUFNE
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/RengawrMerch
^ ^ ^ Promo Code: RENGAWR10 ^ ^ ^

Content owned by Rengawr

0:00 Intro
0:34 Starting Faction Weapons (USEC vs BEAR)
1:31 USEC Starting Guns: 5.56 MDR
3:05 USEC Starting Guns: M4A1
4:50 BEAR Starting Guns: AK-74M
6:34 Bear Starting Guns: PP-19
7:21 Level 1 Traders: Tan SKS (No Iron Sight and Mag Upgrade)
8:36 Making the SKS Insane
9:18 Level 1 Traders: White SKS (Can Mount Scope)
10:45 Level 1 Traders: Mosin
11:51 Level 2 Traders: MP5SD
13:52 Level 2 Traders: UMP
14:44 Level 2 Traders: RFB
17:17 Level 2 Traders: AK-74N
19:19 Ak Modding Trick
20:57 Summarizing the Choices
21:55 Outro

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