06 How have Ghazals Changed - USTAD LATAFAT ALI KHAN Q&A

3 years ago

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Ghazals nowadays are considered Classical music. In the last 50 years, it has gained the same respect and position as Thumris. Mehdhi Hassan, Ghulam Ali, Pervaiz Mehdi, Fida Hussain, Hussain Bakhsh Gullu were revolutionists who utilised Classical music in Ghazals, and even today people listen to their music. It’s not like it has been forgotten. Even today people listen to good music in the Subcontinent. They listen to Classical music, to Ghazals. There are less listeners but that does not mean the music is dead. But there are always ups and downs. Numbers of listeners might go down, but the new generations of course now sing Ghazals in their own way. With drums and keyboards, it has a more Pop feel now. Some people even dance on Ghazals now, and some perform to accommodate that. Many just try to ruin the feel of a Ghazal. They even ask me to do that sometimes which is annoying as we are trying to perform serious music, as taught to us by our Father. Where did all those listeners go? Where did all those listeners go? I mean there are still some and good listeners are better than millions. If a million watched us, but only a 100 were listeners, we are singing for that 100. Even Father used to say this. Once someone said to Allama Iqbal (poet), “only a minority understands your poetry, only 1 in a 100”. He answered, “I write for that 1 person who understands”, “I don’t care whether the 99 understand it or not”. And Father used to say the same thing, “I don’t sing for the 95% who aren’t listening”. So, he practiced for them and gave them all he had. Even he had ups and downs. But he did not sing Ghazals. He would have been unstoppable at Ghazals, I think Mehdi Hassan heard him sing a Ghazal privately once. But he wanted to continue the tradition of his Gharana and did not deter. He said, “no, I will only sing Raags”. But I do feel it important to mention here, my father never forced us to take up music as a profession. I know some people just want their children to work in the same field as them. He said, “If you can’t do it, don’t worry. Pursue whatever study and field you need to, whether it is a administrative job, or whether you want to do business”. But he also used to say, “It would bring me joy to watch you sing, being the tradition of our family”. But seems his prayers were answered. All of us brothers are now singers and I’m sure his soul is happy. He also used to say, “genuine artists will never be millionaires”. Insincere, Pop artists as you know own tens of properties. True music only lives where there is truth. Wake up in the morning and practice Bhairo. If the sun is out, sing Raag Todi followed by Bilawal, then Sohini, then Raag Bhup, then Raag Kalyan, Khamaj, Poorvi Thaat. Elders used to say, “sing the right Raag at the right time of day to make them effective”. These wars, storms, floods and chaos we see on Earth right now are because we wrong Raags at the wrong times of day. Someone sings Malkauns in the morning, man what are you doing? your causing chaos on Earth. Someone is singing Bhairo at night when it is supposed to be sung in the Morning. Someone is singing Marwa at 3am, the Marwa itself kicks him out of frustration because that is not the time to sing it. You have to understand these truths, you have to sing “Miah ki Malhar” at the right time. I spent a lot of time with my Father. He taught me much and was also a good friend. He was a Father and a teacher. Throughout life, we are always learning. Education never ends. He used to say, “continue with the music, Allah provides. But you’ll have to sacrifice a lot. If you want to be a millionaire then become a businessmen”. Nowadays, off tune singers earn a lot. However, we did not care about the money, we wanted to make sure we sang true, keeping our tradition and respect alive. So pray this continues, as we continue to perform Classical and Ghazal music. Nowadays, Ghazals are considered Classical music and we encourage people to learn Classical music then sing whatever Genre or style they want to perform.

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