Subconscious Rest v1.0 (Underwater Version) Rest Subliminal!

2 years ago

Subconscious Rest v1.0 (Underwater Version)
This is a subliminal from my sister Bethany1989. She has graciously allowed me to post a version of this subliminal on my channel. The aim of this subliminal is to give our subconscious mind a chance to rest.

As Bethany explained it:

Basically, when we listen to subliminals we often don't give our subconscious the time to rest and soak the affirmations into our minds. This can slow changes. An analogy is treating our subconscious like a muscle and a workout. When we workout we often rest our muscles as we literally can't keep going between sets. We take rest periods. Let's apply this analogy to subliminals and the subconscious now and you can see where I am going with this.

So essentially, this is part subliminal/part non-subliminal. The first 4:44 containing affirmations that instruct your subconscious that it is time to rest. Other affirmations contained in that short portion talk about how the underwater sounds throughout allow the subconscious to rest, and after the completion of the audio, the subconscious is now ready to listen to affirmations again and execute them. The final affirmations point out that rest is good for the subconscious and makes it stronger, accelerating results, and changes. During this time, you can either just let your subconscious take all that in or just help it by knowing the rest is making it stronger and results are coming faster.

*Note: This is meant to be placed in your play list after you play your boosters and before the main subliminal. If you then loop the playlist, it will have a period of rest built in. This helps us not have to press stop to take a break, this file builds one into your playlist. Despite this, I still recommend you take actual periods of rest of hours at times to give your subconscious more rest than this does. Treat this like you treat rest in between sets like lifting weights. We still need to actually go home and not workout the next day. When we do our muscles start building back up stronger. It is the same idea with the subconscious mind. As with any subliminal, drink plenty of water.

On Bethany’s channel ( ) she has the standard version which is different from this one. I recommend you subscribe to her and check her stuff out too, especially that one. She also has a Patreon where she posted a free silent version of this subliminal ( ) as well to download in WAV format. Note that that silent subliminal can’t be mixed with music because the affirmations talk about silence being key to the rest in that version. Basically all three versions are slightly different. I also highly recommend helping Bethany out by signing up to be at least a 3 dollar patron. If you sign up for the 8 dollar one you get access to other WAV files and perks. VIP Patrons get access to VIP requests, meaning any request made to her email address or her channel get faster turnaround. She never actual charges for the work in general, just to get it done faster.

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