5 "Flashing Light Fix" How To Fix Puffco Peak 5 Flashing Light Short Circuit Problem - ❤️ it works!

4 years ago

Remade Video: https://youtu.be/aSo5tAbheTc

So this video goes through a white light flashing atomizer and tinkering with the coil to create an uninterrupted connection. This can really frustrate a person who just wants some milk.

for me, the coil had penetrated the grommet and had been touching the interior atomizer shell.

1. re-straighten the wires (leave ceramic grounding in)
2. flatten wires at the base of grounding (keeping the coil level)
3. refeed through atomizer shell
4. adjust the coil to have one outside the atomizer shell
5. insert the grommet
6. insert the Brass firing pin
7. Enjoy your Puffco

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