LIES! AOC Claims Pregnancy Kills Women! AOC/Elizabeth Warren Want Abortion Facilities on Fed Lands

1 year ago

#abortion #abortionondemand #AOC #Elizabeth Warren
For anyone out there who thinks the overturning of Roe v Wade ushered in an era where abortion bans are without any exceptions have been listening to AOC too long. Every state that has trigger laws Banning Abortions also Have Exceptions that protect the Life of the mother. In fact, these are the states which thought ahead enough to have something in place if Roe were ever overturned. Claims from the left that conservative states plan to let young women die if they face a problematic pregnancy, are bald faced lies. Consequently, Pocahontas wants to set up teepees on federal lands to conduct abortions in red states. AOC also advocates these death camps in our national parks and forests. Why not set up death camps on federal lands, after all we aren’t using them to drill oil.

Missouri, my home state, became the first state to ban abortion, triggering a wave of pro-abortion activists to tout misinformation about what this means for women moving forward in a post-Roe era. Most of these abortionists are failing to mention that states banning or limiting abortions have critical exceptions for medical emergencies or to preserve the life of the mother.

Pro-abortion politicians, such as AOC, have offered a steady stream of lies since the Court overturned Roe v. Wade. For instance, she is asserting that “forcing women to carry children against their will is going to kill them,” and activists on social media have made similar arguments. While some pro-life states are, in fact, banning most abortions, this does not mean women will not be able to access the life-saving procedures, particularly if there is a medical emergency or if a mother’s life or physical well being is in danger.

However, despite the narrative touted by pro-death activists, this does not mean a woman would be unable to get an abortion if her life was in danger. The Missouri law bans abortion “except in cases of medical emergency.” A medical emergency, as defined by the bill, is “a condition which, based on reasonable medical judgment, so complicates the medical condition of a pregnant woman as to necessitate the immediate abortion of her pregnancy to avert the death of the woman or for which a delay will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.”

Overall, 13 states have “trigger laws” regarding abortion if Roe was overturned, and many have already taken action.

Arkansas, which had a trigger law, has now banned abortion as well, although it has exceptions “in the case of the life of the mother in a medical emergency.”

“People need to understand that we are dealing with the issue of abortion today. That is what is at stake, "The governor said in a statement.

Louisiana is also one of the 13 states with a trigger law, which went into effect “immediately.” Gov. John Bel Edwards signed legislation updating the state’s original trigger law last week, expanding exceptions to include “instances of medical futility & ectopic pregnancies” — another favorite talking point of the left:

Edwards stated, “My position on abortion has been unwavering. I am pro-life and have never hidden from that fact. This does not belie my belief that there should be an exception to the prohibition on abortion for victims of rape and incest.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt in May signed legislation effectively ending abortion in the state, but once again, there are exceptions for rape or incest reported to authorities, or to preserve the life of the mother.

Kentucky also had a trigger law go into effect upon the Court overturning Roe, making it a “Class D felony for anyone to provide procedural or medication abortions in the state,” according to WFPL. However, despite the left’s narrative, Kentucky also provides exceptions to preserve the life of the mother or “prevent the permanent impairment of a life-sustaining organ.”

An Idaho law, which goes into effect 30 days from the day of the Supreme Court overturning Roe, makes it a felony to perform an abortion, but it, too, contains an exemption to save the life of the mother.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has also deemed the procedure illegal in the Lone Star State, but again, there is an exception made for preserving the woman’s life.

Overall, the left’s narrative is a lie, as states that are moving to either limit or ban abortions are providing key exceptions for medical emergencies. The left is interested in abortion on demand and without apology. At least that’s what they are chanting in their murder parades.

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