What do Radical Leftists And Davy Jones Have in Common?

2 years ago

As Mr. Watson continues his analysis of the cultural events surrounding the Dobbs case (which resulted in the overturn of Roe v. Wade), he asks the question: What do leftists and Davy Jones have in common? Davy Jones is a character from Disney's film franchise the Pirates of the Caribbean (POTC). He is portrayed as a humanoid with a squid face, amphibian features, and an appetite for tyranny. Jones also held a very particular philosophy about freedom. Mr. Watson explores how Davy Jones' and radical leftist views overlap in light of claims that "abortion rights" and "fundamental freedoms" are being sripped away due to Roe's demise. This series is apart of Mr. Watson's reaction to Roe v. Wade being overturned and the My Body, My Choice rhetoric. Watch for more!

Davy Jones effect.

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