09 Reaction to Sonu Nigam's Viral clip - USTAD LATAFAT ALI KHAN Q&A

3 years ago

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If only I could explain what is going through my heart right now. Listen to what is happening in the background. This is a part of Indian music that is disappearing right before our eyes. Just like our forests are disappearing, cheetahs are disappearing, this music is disappearing. Friends, I have heard a lot of Classical music. I’ve seen performances by some great artists. But what I am playing for you today, I had never heard in my life. It is such a rare thing that I am taking the chance of playing hardcore Classical music on a modern, a superhit, the most sought-after FM channel called Radio city. Just listen to this, *instructs controller to increase volume*. The vocals are competing with the Sarangi (instrument), and these great singers are Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan and Ustad Salamat Ali Khan. Please listen to this, I had never heard something like this in Classical music before. Just listen to what is about to happen. *asks controller to rewind back* Just listen to what has been done here. People talk about Rock music, they talk about Jazz, but listen to what our Classical music has to offer. Oh Lord. This is just a small sample. If this Radio Station or this world today appreciated Classical music more, then I would just play Classical music for the listeners. And I’d make you fall in love with it. If I could, I would go to every house and start Classical music education there. I’m not even such a learnt singer but I hope people get to see what real music is. We only promote mediocre music; we promote simple singers which I include myself in. People give respect to simple singers like me but people have forgotten Vasantrao Deshpande. They have forgotten the accomplishments of Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan and Ustad Salamat Ali Khan. The average listener has forgotten Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan’s singing. People have forgotten about these musical achievements. Listen. Listen. Listen to what is happening. *asking controller to rewind again” Listen. I can’t even do this. Just listen to what is happening. Each note is being carried by the vibrato. I would like us to give a standing ovation to Classical singers, especially Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan and Ustad Salamat Ali Khan. I just want to stand and clap. Let’s take a break now. Hopefully, some of you contemporary listeners don’t feel bored by Classical music. But as a professional singer, I do not want my listeners to miss out on something amazing. And I want all of us to recognise our roots.

My Father’s Thumri that I just heard, “Moray Naina Lagay Gi Barsaat, balam mujhey chor na jana”. He is singing alongside my Uncle and this recording is from the 50’s. Elders used to say, “only prayers help you reach that level of singing”. The Taans he performed took him 20 years of practice, and he practiced for around 10 hours a day. You need lots of practice to become Ustad Salamat Ali Khan and Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan. They were our teachers, but to understand their music you need a gifted and knowledgeable mind. You need to know the art to attempt it. In the olden days many used to learn Raag to become listeners. So, they could better grasp a performer’s attempt at Sindhi Bhairavi or Malkauns for example. You know if a King asks you to sing Malkauns and you start singing Bhairavi, how will the king know unless he learns himself. Only then could he say, “that is the wrong Raag, off with his head”. By learning Raags they could enjoy it more. Now that piece my Father sings in the clip, it is something that you only hear on Sitar or Sarangi, you cannot even classify it as a Taan. It is a gift from God. People are still performing such music. My brother Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan for example. But people are too occupied listening to the latest fads. We do still get complimented for our performances. But people do need to pay attention and listen, then they can discover that this music is still alive. That Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan and Ustad Slalamat Ali Khan’s children and students are still performing. It is my hope that our future generals will excel in this field. If they keep practicing and trying to attempt such pieces, then one day we will see them in the mainstream again. The music won’t end here. Our Forefathers prayed that our Gharana will exist till the end of time, and I feel lucky to have been born into this Gharana. I have nothing to offer. People respect and love us because of our Gharana. I pray that all musicians and singers who do this work with sincerity will get blessed. It is a music of practice, preparation, and hard work. I have no words to describe my Father’s works, God rest his soul. When future generations will listen to this music, then music will reign. Thanks

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