WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Thursday, August 20, 2020

3 years ago

WATCH: Clark County records 48 new COVID-19 cases ; Details emerge from Lucia Falls Road crash that killed two ; Clark County homeless weathering pandemic better than expected ; Restaurant owner urges elected officials to consider changes to restrictions on dining out ; Bike shops see demand skyrocket during pandemic. Find links to these stories here:

#ClarkCountyToday #ClarkCountyTodayLive #LocalNews #ClarkCountyWa #LiveBroadcast #COVID19 #Coronavirus #PublicHealth #LuciaFallsRaod #Fatility Accident #Homeless #Pandemic #Restaurants #Beaches #Warehouse23 #Dining #Catering #JayInslee #AlanMelnick #BikeShops #Bicycles #BicycleRepair #VancouverWa

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