8-21-20 Ava's FriYAY Nite Live Show: Summertime!

3 years ago

"Don't know what to do? Is your head in a haze? It's like a HEATWAVE" --- if you know what song that is from, you'll know what this week's theme will be. Pray we don't have a black out as this heat is really crazy! Stay cool inside, sip something cold, and I'll turn up the Summertime musical heat!

Always fun, always interactive with a good dose of silly! I miss you, please join John and me on these platforms to live chat with us so we know you are out there in cyber land!
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/AvaLemert/live/
Periscope: https://pscp.tv/avalemert
Twitch: https:twitch.tv/avalemert
YouTube: https://youtu.be/oAIn1WPMspg

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