TOMMY NATION POLITICS: "Rewarding Bad Behavior..."

1 year ago

Nice guys finish last. Have We all heard that phrase before?Probably means that there’s something to it...

THIS TUESDAY'S #LIVESTREAM - "Rewarding Bad Behavior."

In collaboration with Indie News Network #GetINN
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A collaborative family of Independent content creators who challenge narratives...

We’ve seen it happen, haven’t we? Again and again...
In the work environment all too often the steady and reliable performers — those who follow the policies and procedures, who stay on the right side of ethical dilemmas and controversy; the “nice guys” that every manager would like to have on their team — come up short when recognition and rewards are being passed about. Same thing happens in American politics, and there's a good reason for it...

Our duopoly political system rewards BAD BEHAVIOR.
We all the know the BAD GUYS. At first glance they seem to deliver results and GET THINGS DONE; however, there always seems to be a “but” or an asterisk that accompanies their success. Annoying little behavioral caveats that tend to be pushed aside and ignored –because “they’re doing so well.”

You’ve seen this scene play out before, I;m here to klet you know it's because CORRUPTION IS LEGAL IN AMERICA. And the lifelong career party politicos might be popular - but their pedestal is built on a shifting pile of sand.

This present ever-coalsescing commencement of crises stem from the troublesome unethical behavior massively ignored, while only the manufactured media moments are recognized. This manuifests limitless arrogance, unprofessionalism, short cuts, or even worse non solutions that hsve now left our country in a lurch...

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