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Earnings COLLAPSE...

2 years ago

The stock market sold off in large fashion today as consumer expecations hit a near decade low, bringing back fears of a more immenent recession. The market surprised many traders today as bad news was actually taken bad, leaving the S&P near the levels it rallied to last week. Stocks got a boost in the morning following the bank stock dividends and buybacks & news that China would be speeding up the reopening by lowering restrictions. However, this wasn't enough to hold stocks up and seemingly just propped up the dollar and commodities. I go over all of this and a brief market recap, then I highlight the upcoming earnings and how a collapse in guidance can move markets, then I go over my portfolio and trades. I traded EWZ stock today as a sympathy to oil, then NIO stock based on the recent short report and finally MU stock for their earnings coming up at the end of the week. EITHER WAY ITS GOING TO BE EXCITING SO I HOPE YOU ARE READY! POST YOUR WATCHLIST BELOW AND SEE YOU IN THE MORNING!

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The Richest Man In Babylon:

DISCLAIMER: These videos are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this video should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial advisor before making any financial decisions.