What 'I AM THAT I AM' Really Means

2 years ago

Clip from BOND Archive Sunday Service, May 26, 2013: Jesse Lee Peterson asks the people about Exodus 3:14 in which God says, "I AM THAT I AM." What does this mean?

FULL VIDEO: 05/26/13 Exodus 3:14 God said, 'I AM THAT I AM.' What Did He Mean? https://youtu.be/oj0nsmrslZ8

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/05-26-13-exodus-314-god-said-i-am-that-i-am-what-did-he-mean/

ALSO ON SUBSTACK: https://rebuildingtheman.substack.com/p/052613-exodus-314-god-said-i-am-that

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM PT at BOND in Los Angeles http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

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