Lumber River McGirt's Bridge to NC71 Maxton 6 25 22

2 years ago

as the title says, videoed between downfall we cleared some 13 trees out to open access to all.

The Lumber River Canoe Club was created in 1982 so that canoers and kayakers could share their enjoyment of the Lumber River and other area rivers. We are located in southeastern North Carolina. Members may post messages and photos of general interest to paddlers. The Club holds two general member meetings per year, April and October.
The club mailing address is care of Mitch Lloyd, 510 Foxlair Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28311. Club membership is $15 for single or $20 for family.
Club Officers: President - Mitch Lloyd (

Music by the Talking Heads, " Take Me To The River.
The track was remastered when Warner Music Group re-released and remastered the album in 2005, on its Warner Bros.,

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