2 years ago

This is a powerful documentary explaining facts which are never provided to you by the lamestream media, which spend 100% of its time acting as a propaganda arm of Slavery, Inc., a multi-national corporation that's owned and operated for the exclusive benefit of its shareholders, the thirteen Edomite central banking families who now own and/or control our world's most important monetary systems, corporations, universities, governments, health care systems, and natural resources.
The COVID-19 Plandemic and the coerced, experimental genetic therapy, unconstitutional lockdowns, and WEF/UN-led "Great Reset agenda" would have never happened if it wasn't the plan of these families to begin with. Never forget this fact. Ultimately, it is the Thirteen Families who run this world. You just didn't realize it, because they hide behind their corporate fronts and other proxies, they use to accomplish their objectives.
What we are watching now in history is a global power-grab, a vertical wealth transfer, and a human depopulation program that's been poorly disguised as a legitimate pandemic response.

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