"He's THREATENING ME". Calls 911 3x's For Harassment. Trespass?? Unlawful Orders

2 years ago

This was on Thursday June 9th 2022 at approximately 1033, outside of the Wendy's on Lafayette street in Salem Massachusetts. I showed up on scene after hearing a call come through the radio. The call was from an older gentleman that called 911 on 2 kids, as he stated were under the age of 12. They were supposedly to be calling him names and doing "whatever they wanted" in the Wendy's restaurant. As I was on scene recording he then focuses his attention on me and yelled to the officer. He told the officer that I was recording him and threatening him, after I told him he was going to have a rude awakening in the North Shore. About a 1/2 hour or so later he called 911 once again, this time about me and had them on the line for over 9 minutes. When officer O'leary showed up on scene she informed me that she had informed the front desk I could not go into that hotel. I asked her if I was being trespassed from the premises and her response contradicted her original statement. Let me know what you think of this interaction in the comments section down below I appreciate all of your support. Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

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Captain Berube Copsplaining:

"I'll SMASH YOU IN THE FACE (Essex County Craftsmen Video):

Follow up Essex County Craftsmen:

Salem Police Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SalemMAPolice

Salem Police Department
95 Margin Street Salem, MA 01970

Non Emergency: 978-744-1212

Business: 978-744-0171


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