What STATES can do to address Washington's failed energy policies

2 years ago

As the summer heats up and fuel prices continue smashing record highs, President Biden is once again lashing out at one of his favorite scapegoats: America’s energy producers.
In a letter to energy company executives, the President threatened to use executive authority to force increased refining production for fuels such as gasoline and diesel.
Here is what Biden conveniently ignores:
U.S. refineries are already operating at about 94 percent capacity, and there is not a whole lot more our current refining infrastructure can do to produce consumable fuels. The industry recognizes the widespread demand and lack of supply for fuel, and increased production as much as it could.
ALEC has a model policy designed to address this utter failure to act in accordance with the law. The model policy, the Eminent Domain for Federal Lands Act, authorizes the state to exercise eminent domain authority on property possessed by the federal government unless the property was acquired with the consent of the Legislature. States, in turn, can lease the land to private institutions helping preserve American energy independence.

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