1M voters switch to GOP; SCOTUS rules for coach fired for praying; Dems & Biden family in trouble?

1 year ago

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3, on June 27, in favor of a football coach, who won the lawsuit, for representing students in prayer after games.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said that it should be easier to sue media outlets for defamation. President Donald Trump, has also voiced his opinion that the current legal bar for media libel lawsuits is set too high.

The Associated Press recently conducted a survey of nearly 1.7 million voters who switched party affiliation in the past 12 months with about two-thirds of them shifting to the Republican Party.

Perhaps the Democrats can learn a lesson from the success of ‘Top Gun: Maverick’. After five weekends, 'Top Gun: Maverick' has crossed the $1 billion milestone.

Western sanctions prevented Russia from making timely payments on two debts that were due, even though Russia had sufficient financial capacity and a willingness to pay. As part of its response to the Western sanctions, Moscow blacklisted Joe Biden's wife, Jill Biden, his daughter and other prominent figures.

How did a never-Trumper become a self-proclaimed Republican?

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