AUM: Reduces Stress, Anxiety & Negativity | Improves Physical & Mental Health | Balance & Harmony

2 years ago

#Healingenergy #positiveenergy
#AUM #OMmantra
#harmony #harmonyandbalance
#improvehealth #mentalhealth
#BlessedUniverse #DivineFrequency
#transcendentalMusic #UnityofConsciousness

Hi There
Thanks for becoming part of this Channel
We hope you enjoy this experience. We hope to enhance your lives in any way. Think that you are made of: GREAESS, PURE LOVE & LIGHT
We Love you all deeply

--OM - The primordial sound from which everything emerged; present in everything that we speak. It is the sound of the Universe and everything that it contains.
1. Mental Benefits:
Reduces stress and anxiety
Improves concentration
Removes negativity
2. Physical Benefits:
Improves lung function
Detoxifies Body
Improves digestive system
3. Other Benefits:
o It strengthens your vocal cord and your voice improves.
o It opens up the sinuses to create a free airway for breathing.
o The spinal cord is strengthened as the vibrations arising from the abdominal area strengthens the muscles supporting the spinal cord.
o You become emotionally stable and have less mood swings.
o The vibrations from OM also stimulates metabolism and this can help in weight-loss.
o The sound “Uuuuu” benefits the thyroid gland and the throat by its vibrations.
o The mantra OM is pronounced as ‘AUM
o “AaaaaUuuuuMmmm.” Here each letter originates from a different part of your body. The vibrations created by this sound move from your abdomen, travels to the heart and reaches finally to the head creating a buzz sensation. Each letter in AUM means something. A in AUM represents creation, U represents sustenance of life and M – the destruction of life

--The spiritual journey should be one of LOVE & LIGHT
Concentrate and focus on beauty LOVE & LIGHT & FAITH to engage and anticipate healing. Listen to this music for a session of magical relaxation and/or meditation session
..The benefits of music are essential in many aspect of life. One of the benefits is to concentrate attention to some point in time. The society nowadays has to much distractions and it is so difficult to be selective of useful information. It has become a strife of day-to-day activities. We have seen that we have spend a general amount of our valuable time with unproductive activities.
-Music has shown time after time to benefit for relaxation, sleep, even focus on the task at hand
-Visual cues will orient or highlight critical information. It will assist in controlling where the viewer will look or direct attention

-Eternally Thankful for being a part in our Wonderful Dream
Have Belonging and Positivity in Mind
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Stay #Healthy #Humble #Enlightened and #Wonderful

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