WorkHorse Stock USPS Breaking News 😲 Louis Dejoy Is WorkHorse Confirmed Or Just More BreadCrumbs?

4 years ago

WorkHorse Stock USPS Breaking News Louis Dejoy Is WorkHorse Confirmed Or Just More BreadCrumbs?

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Today's Video

once we are running with trucks that are running on over 97% on time” And driving costs out by doing that”

“When I first came here that was an obvious thing to me, to cut back to 5 days, or 4 days or whatever and that now ive worked with the process and research and studied the organization

I think The 6 day delivery, the connection postal carrier has with the American people, that gives us this highly trusted brand.

And where the economy is going in the future, I think that is our biggest strength to capitalize on.

We talk about 1.5Billion Dollars to take a day a way

“Im sitting here on a transportation schedule change that can save us $2-3$Billion dollars. And Improve service, and improve the connection to the American people”

We have many 30 year old vehicles, we in desperate need of new vehicles, The loan is NOT for capital, I would like to see it extended and used as a capital type of equipment loan to buy vehicles and other types of modernization efforts that we have… longer term than 5 years.

Everything has already been passed in a committee over 2 years ago for what we are looking for.

1:42 Talking about how “when you get below 90% trucks down you can’t depend on anything” as he was referring to the down current USPS vehicles.

One of the first things I found is to “getting that transportation aligned, which we will do.”

“And saving a Billion to a $1.5 to $2 Billion dollars, Which we can reach for, was a Christmas Present, a belated one.”

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