Zetetic News Cast 12 - Bix Weir Live on THETA Network

4 years ago

Yesterday, August 25, 2020 at 10 pm EST in a world first we became the first news category content provider to live stream an interview on the THETA "Anycast" network. We are honored to be joined by Bix Weir, founder of Road To Roota who is largely responsible for our involvement with THETA but also in exposing many esoteric truths about the financial system and our corrupt oligarch class over his 20+ year career in finance and later internet muckraking.

Visit http://www.roadtoroota.com to learn more about Bix and his work.

We discuss many topics including Gold, Silver, Cryptos, Spirituality, and authoritarian cosmologies.

If you missed the stream live, you can earn Tfuel watching it 24/7 on THETA Anycast or watch the static YouTube video featured above. We look forward to THETA Video on Delivery options for full independence from the major platforms!

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