WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Wednesday, August 26, 2020

4 years ago

WATCH: Clark County adds 23 new COVID-19 cases ; Evergreen Schools to furlough 475 employees ahead of fully online reopening ; Lumber price increases leading to sticker shock for new home buyers ; Clark County rolls out eight more ballot drop boxes ; Cat person Paul Valencia heads to a dog park for International Dog Day. Find links to these stories here:

#ClarkCountyToday #ClarkCountyTodayLive #LocalNews #ClarkCountyWa #LiveBroadcast #COVID19 #Coronavirus #EvergreenSchoolDistrict #VancouverWa #Furlough #DistanceLearning #OnlineLearning #Schools #Students #Lumber #Residential #Construction #BIA #BIAOfClarkCounty #NewHomes #BallotDropBoxes #Election #Ballots #InternationalDogDay #Dogs #DogPark

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