Capitalism is Voluntary: Thought Slime Debunked

3 years ago

Capitalism is voluntary, again, @Thought Slime makes an irrational argument against capitalism. Whilst he acknowledges the fact that there is voluntary action over people buying goods, he attempts to twist things to make it sound like certain choices aren't voluntary, such as leaving a country behind for new life.

Thought Slime fails to comprehend that socialism was put into practice and each and every single time it ended in totalitarianism for good reason and if anyone is forced to live within a country, it just so happens to be the very people living in socialist countries, as I explained, you didn't see walls being built in countries like West Germany to keep people in, nor do you see people in more capitalist countries fleeing for their lives.

The most childish argument, however, by Thought Slime is claiming that because people have to sleep, eat and work, then apparently this somehow constitutes as an argument to claim capitalism isn't voluntary. It really is childish, it doesn't matter what system you live under, that's just a fact of life on planet earth, how does he think food is made, it requires work.

I suppose something else I could throw in which I forgot to add, there are certain products you require trade for in order to produce where certain resources come from different countries and there is a lot of work including the trade put into producing something.

It is for this reason his argument is wholly illogical. His critique of capitalism is one based off of a complete fantasy, he also doesn't acknowledge the fact that capitalism is the free market, we do not live under a free market economy today and explains why, thanks to all the socialist government interventionism, for the reason that people struggle to find work.

I must reiterate the point, you'll never get rid of exploitation, corruption, rich and poor people entirely, this is the same for any system and if anything, his argument on exploitation is even irrational, the most exploitative economies the world has ever seen were all socialist and having a moneyless based economy is the very definition of exploitation because it requires hard work to produce many things and to make people do a lot of dirty jobs whilst getting paid nothing is the very meaning of exploitation.

Again, you can check out my argument on the economic calculation problem which I explained about scarcity and resource allocation, this argument is the foundation for why socialism is doomed, money or moneyless economy.

*Economic Calculation Problem—Profits and Losses:*

*Economic Calculation Problem—Variety in the Market:*

*Economic Calculation Problem—Extended:*

Also, I made the argument on Automation in response on Jason Unruhe's video which you can check here:

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