Tyrant Gonzalez Runs Over My Toes. She Fails To Identify. Karens And Kevin At City Hall. Salem PD.

3 years ago

This was today August 27th 2020 at approximately 8:55 a.m. I was passing by city Hall and decided to stop at the annex to check out the early voting Poll stations. Within minutes I have a major response from about 10 Karen's!!! They soon got educated on public photography. I then made my way over to the city Call to CF the city employees were abiding by the mask rule that mare driscoe had put out on all public buildings and outside in the downtown public areas. As I suspected All employees were not about in by the mask rule and were absolutely not abiding by the down only stairs wells. If this virus is so deadly and contagious, they should be the first one's setting an example!!! They called the cops on me within 5 minutes. The responding officer, officer Gonzalez badge #223 fled the scene and would not identify. She jumped in the cruiser, put it into drive with me right next to her. She pulled away almost hitting me with the Sideview mirror and running over my toes. Let me know in the comment section what you with of this interaction!!! The support is greatly appreciated!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!


#MassAcountability #PoliceThePolice #1stAmendment #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #ATFP #FTP #PINAC #JustDoingMyJob #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine #ThinBlueLineGang #NaziGermany #Salem #Mass #Massachusetts #Northshore

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