Tony Matthews - Airs on a D String

4 years ago

The premier performance of "Airs on a D string", via a Zoom Concert.

Airs on a D String
This piece works on two levels
1. seven graduated pieces that is easy to use as a solo or class learning piece. Starting with just one note (the open “D”), each piece adds a new note in semi-tone or half-step increments. The pieces are great tools for introducing three and four time as well as basic counting and repeats.
2. A piece of music that works in its own right and can be performed as a concert work. It’s for this reason that the piano carries the pieces in order to make “Airs on a D String” a joy to play and, above all, a joy to listen to.

Imagination options: Music for your Own Story,
In common with a lot of our publications, “Airs on a D String” has a loose narrative running throughout. This makes it ideal for use as a creative and imagination tool for teacher and students alike. It is very possible to create your own story around this music.

The score and parts are available on this link.

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