Mono Green Tron VS Grixis Creativity|Mull to Two! |Magic The Gathering Online Modern League Match

2 years ago

A bit of good luck but a lot of bad luck! Who will win? Find out here!

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My Deck List:
Better_Than_Magic's Archetype:

Game: Magic the Gathering
Platform: Magic the Gathering Online (MTGO)
Format: 1 Round of Modern League (Best of 3)
Record: Round 1
Deck Types: Land Control / Combo
Colors: Mono Green |Grixis Red Black Blue

Ancient Stirrings, Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star, Expedition Map, Relic of Progenitus, Sylvan Scrying, Dismember, Oblivion Stone, Karn, the Great Creator, Wurmcoil Engine, Karn Liberated, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, Blast Zone, Boseiju, Who Endures, Forest, Nurturing Peatland, Sanctum of Ugin, Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant, Urza's Tower

Chalice of the Void, Walking Ballista, Nature's Claim, Pithing Needle, Relic of Progenitus, Liquimetal Coating, Warping Wail, Ensnaring Bridge, Trinisphere, Force of Vigor, Sundering Titan, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

Fatal Push, Hard Evidence, Inquisition of Kozilek, Lightning Bolt, Expressive Iteration, Persist, Unmarked Grave, Indomitable Creativity, Prismari Command, Unburial Rites, Archon of Cruelty, Arid Mesa, Blood Crypt, Bloodstained Mire, Dwarven Mine, Mountain, Sacred Foundry, Scalding Tarn, Steam Vents, Swamp, Wooded Foothills

Alpine Moon, Flusterstorm, Shattering Spree, Thoughtseize, Serra's Emissary, Void Winnower

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