Nakamichi DR-10 - the last 3-head deck made by this great company!

2 years ago

Short review of Nakamichi's last 3 Head cassette deck, model DR-10. Legend goes that this was "the last" 3-head Nakamichi cassette deck produced. Mine was from Japan, but some of the last batch was Made in Taiwan. Mystery or not, I took a look at this fabulous machine that makes sound coming from it warm and exciting !

#nakamichi #cassettedeck #3head

But, this deck is not in perfect working condition, it has one problem. Playback is working perfectly fine, but recording is not! While you're recording prerecorded tapes, it will not erase properly previous recording, it'll just "add up" new recording on top of old one!

I guess, it needs more service.. But, for playing tapes, this is great cassette deck!

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