Bitterness, Stagnation Or✨Fight The Good Fight And Heal ✨

2 years ago

#therapeuticart #alternativehealing #chronicillness #healthandwellness
This audio speaks to bitterness and stagnation as opposed to healing. It speaks a bit about my own journey but the audio speaks mainly about getting stuck as we heal, as we are going through the process of healing. We have choices along the way, more so that lurks sometimes in the back of the mind and it speaks to choosing and listening to that or moving forward and being persistent toward healing. Every single one of us has access to begin the process of healing and to be persistent about it. We have that strength. We have the knowing. We access all of that . . . when we choose to. Choosing to is not always easy and most times it is difficult but just know once you get past the “fire” you’ll be glad that you chose healing!
My name is Kathryn , I am an Artist and I do sell my art but I also offer therapeutic art as well. If you are interested in purchasing any of my things please make a comment below or go to my business Facebook page Brilliance Art Impressions and Therapeutic Art! There you will find a message button and also there you’ll find many pieces/ projects that I have worked on and sold. I sell my things pretty quickly so if you are interested just please keep an eye on my business Facebook page for new things however if you’re interested in the therapeutic art service that I provide please leave a message below or leave a message on my business Facebook page. There is a video right here on my YouTube page and business facebook page that explains what that is in more detail.

Here is a link to my business Facebook page:

Also here is a link to my Youtube Channel

Have an awesome day!!!

~ Kathryn Mary

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