Why The Fitness Industry Doesn't Help You Lose Weight

3 years ago

The weight loss niche is one of the biggest on YouTube, but it's full of people who don't have a clue on how to show people how to lose weight.

I share the secret to losing weight as well as all of the reasons why the fitness industry doesn't help you lose weight.

The fitness industry is full of people who spread bro science, lie about their usage of gear, and pretend to be experts with diet and nutrition.

The fitness industry is everything I oppose: doctoring photos, not concealing the truth about body modifications, and lying about the use of performance enhancing drugs.

Are you ready for the secret on how to lose weight?....

It's that you have to figure out the reason why weight was gained in the first place and solve that problem first. Most people struggle to lose weight because they are dealing with pain in some area of their life and that is not solved yet.

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