Leftist Meltdown over Abortion proves Climate Change is genuine!

2 years ago

n Dobbs vs Jackson the Supreme Court of the United States overrode an unconstitutional Roe vs Wade decision of 1973 from the activist Burger court, thereby restoring the rule of law in the US.

But the leftist crowd has lost its mind, making up fairy tales about abortion now being illegal (is is not), homophobia (what's that go to to do with abortion?), banning of contraceptives (an outright lie) and many more ludicrous statements to pull at emotions.

Watch the conduct of those who want abortion, including advocates for termination AFTER a child is born. But the reality in this case is that the Constitution was restored in that the issue of abortion is not and NEVER was an authority of the federal (or is that feral?) government. It is the right of the people and the states to decide. Balance is restored, though there are clearly a lot of unbalanced people reacting to the decision.

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Music: Jezelle http://www.jezelle.co.za/

Music: https://www.bensound.com
Animation credit: Talon Bezuidenhout
Opening news drums sequence: Kevin Nicklin

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