What does it mean to be a “watchman on the wall”? How not to be deceived in this late hour.

2 years ago

What does it mean to be a “watchman on the wall”? How not to be deceived in this late hour.

We are in turbulent times and yet many are lacking the discernment to assess the threats and challenges a believer must navigate through. We saw this increase during the “pandemic” as so many were willing to close down their churches for months and some even a full year or more. People are also listening to the fake news media and getting caught up in their phony narrative—allowing fear, doubt, and anger to consume them.

In todays broadcast of the Sunday service, we tackle these issues and more and talk about the importance of being a watchman on the wall!

For more information, please visit www.ToddCoconato.com or PastorTodd.org. To tithe to this ministry, please go to www.toddcoconato.com/give

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