💯This Giant Red Pill Made Me Rich!!!! Max Wright thanks Edward G. Griffin... The Red Pill

1 year ago

Max Wright & the legendary Edward G. Griffin sit down for a deep dive conversation about freedom, liberty & the different societal vectors that are attempting to march us towards Tyranny.

The average truth seeker has been in a war their whole life, they just didn't know it until one day they start piecing together facts and break out of the fantasy's and illusions around them.

Take the RED PILL, and enjoy this highly rewarding conversation. You can check out the RED PILL EXPO here: www.redpillexpo.org ! You can also check out the reality zone here: www.realityzone.com !

& If you're still reading this and you enjoyed the video - please smash that like button, subscribe to the channel & hit the notification bell so you get notified when conversations like this are posted. Thanks!


00:00 – Introduction
02:30 – Cultural Subversion & The Education System
07:30 – How Universities Became Controlled
08:55 – The Impact of The Creature From Jeckyl Island
12:30 – Modern “Wealth” & The Great Reset
15:45 – Freedom & Libertarianism Through The Decades
17:45 –Organizing Counter-Movement & The RED PILL Expo
25:00 – The Psychology of A Manipulated Society
31:00 – The Origin of The RED PILL Expo
34:10 – RED PILL EXPO 2022 ( July 9th & 10TH )
39:57 – The Collectivist Agenda & The Workforce
43:45 – Being Free & Slow (But Steady) Progress
48:00 – Visit www.realityzone.com 😊
51:45 – Hope & Reality ( The Next 10 Years )

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