Look Book Fall 2022

2 years ago

Designed for the times. Inspired by the world. At Kinetic we are inspired to design for the way we really live—to offer the high-quality, highly relevant products we truly crave.
Our design team conducts research to uncover cultural and design trends, so we can create and curate products that are not only artfully designed, but also functional and flexible enough to meet the demands of a rapidly changing lifestyle. From work to home to everywhere in between, we are seeing significant changes to our daily routines, to the things we desire, and to the ways we care about the world around us. 
Kinetic. Thoughtful design, inspired by the world.


Your brand is more than your logo; your brand is the face of your business! When promoted correctly, your brand communicates to customers what you offer and how you’re different from the competition. The branded products we provide will establish a significant and differentiated presence, promoting all aspects of your business. From employee recruitment and retention to customer acquisition and loyalty, we take all your business goals into consideration with each product selection.

GET TO KNOW US: https://mtr.bio/kinetic


Facebook: http://bit.ly/2WXjSXg

Instagram: https://bit.ly/3dwmLri

Twitter: https://bit.ly/3wuiGfS

LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/31NUo2k

Pinterest: https://bit.ly/2PzcsKY

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3n9bqCF

Website: http://bit.ly/2tloKIj

Shop Our Products: https://bit.ly/3HJruEo

Sister Company Website: http://bit.ly/2k7WjfM


E-mail: info@kineticproduct.com

Contact No.: 800.951.3755

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