Nobody Tells The Dog They Aren't A Dog (SERIES PART 5 OF 6)

4 years ago

Nobody ever tells the dog they aren’t a dog. Well, maybe some do, but you see my point. Nobody ever tells the hyena they aren’t a hyena. Can you imagine if in either one of these cases someone said no, you aren’t allowed to bark, you aren’t allowed to wag your tail, you aren’t allowed to scavenge for food. Nobody ever tells either one of these creatures they are something they aren’t and thus they are free to be who and what they really are.

Human beings are the one creature on this Earth that we are something we aren’t and it happens over and over and over again until we don’t know who we really are anymore and thus we go through life confused at times and in many cases living right under the surface an awareness that there is something more, much more out there.

After working in the coaching field for over 20 years and helping many individuals, teams, and executives become the greatest versions they can be, I have come to the conclusion that highly engaged people share 3 characteristics:

1. They are committed to engaging in best practices
2. They love learning and know they don’t know it all
3.  They have great personal clarity.

This begs the question, how does one get personal clarity? It begins by asking the questions of who am I? And what am I here for?

This is where the tie in is with the dog and hyena part. Who were you before the world told you who you had to be? Where did you come from and I mean at a really deep level, not from a night your mom and dad had. I mean at a really deep level. I think what you will find is YOU ARE LOVE and LOVE IS WHAT YOU CAME FROM. Until you get that one thing down pat, I believe YOU will never maximize your potential and thus will never get out of the Porta Potty.  Hey YOU, Get OUT of the Porta Potty! What can you learn from a dog or a hyena?

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