Opiates for the Masses: How Religion is Destroying America/Has Destroyed the Minds of Americans

4 years ago

What do religion and Big Pharma have in common? They both provide opiates for the masses. They are also both subjects of this Livestream. We will consider the impact and influence of Christianity on the current chaostrophe, particularly in the United States, and try to understand how religion sets the stage for bad beliefs and even worse behaviors. Trump is not the current incarnation of St. Germain. QANON is embarrassing. Without the precedent set by religion that it is ok to believe obviously false narratives, we likely would have a much more coherent, sane, unified world. It's time to put Jesus and Allah and the rest to bed for good, while ascending into and embracing an experience-based form of spirituality. One that is self-evident, non dogmatic (catmas are sexier https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=catma) and does not require us to suspend reason, or to abandon science . We will also consider solutions, up to and including the possibility of un-converting believers, and freeing humanity from the oppressive, anti-evolutionary, anti-Christian influence of modern Christians.
The Ocean tests positive for Xanax (benzodiazepine tranquilizers). Even though SSRI'S have been used by nearly every mass shooter in US history, and often turn mild depression into homicidal rage. We give 6-year-olds, and younger, meth (adderal). The influence of all of this coagulates with the effects of religion to create a toxic slop of lunatic logic, wasted minds, insanity and chaos. And yes, there are solutions. Please support us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/IllumiGnostic
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#JesusChrist #religion #qanon #conspiracy #consciousness #revolution #bigpharma #vaccines #illuminati #entheogens #psychedelics #occult #plantmedicine #farright #fascism

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