Hope For America Part One

2 years ago

I weep and mourn over my country. I know it’s almost over for America. We have passed the point of no return. We are a nation of basically good people (even though there is none good but God) I mean that basically American’s want to be good people and live together in harmony. But it only takes a few to make the basket rotten. Face it our national Leadership is absolutely horrible! Godless, God hating people. There is no lie they will not tell, no deception they will not ply, and no person they will not sacrifice to get to their agenda. They are working for the elite, the ten horns, the ten kings of Daniel and Revelation. They are working for the devil. They have sold out for money….to China and the elites. They control all of the media. They control all of the corporations. They control all of Pharma. They control all of the hospitals. They control all of utilities and education. So we are done as a nation. There is no hope for America….. as a nation but hope for Americans! There will be no national revival but many personal revivals! We pray “Lord save as many as will come to you” and then we pray “even so come Lord Jesus!” our greatest hope. The blessed hope of Titus 2:13

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