PFREI Series Episode 56: Corey Reyment

3 years ago

Do you want to go from “having to work” to “wanting to work”? Do you want to know more about marketing strategies to generate leads and grow your business? Or are you trying to decide which vehicle in real estate will work best for you to reach your ultimate goal?

In today’s episode of Passion for Real Estate Investments, co-founder of Fox Cities Home Buyers, Corey Reyment, shares his experience navigating from ‘having to work’ to ‘wanting to work.’ From starting his real estate investing company in September of 2016, to buying his first rental property just three months later, to wholesaling up to 60 properties per year, Corey has been able to grow his business and free himself from the corporate world.

Prior to entering real estate, Corey attended the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, majoring in Kinesiology. He then went on to intern as a strength and conditioning coach for the Wisconsin Badger football team, and soon realized it was no longer his ‘dream job.’ After taking a sales job, Corey started racking up Sales Rep of the Year awards. However, the many years he spent working in sales still didn’t realize Corey’s goal of attaining financial freedom. His passion for real estate investing was ignited when he picked up the book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and he then went on to found multiple real estate companies. Since 2016, Corey and his wife, Carrie, have spent their time helping people and sharing their knowledge through local seminars and education programs, all while attaining their own financial freedom.

What strategies are they using to grow their business? Corey tells us why wholesaling isn’t the easiest area when starting out in real estate, and how he managed to get his first wholesale property with limited capital. What are some of the challenges he faces, and what buying criteria does he use when acquiring his properties?

Corey tells us about the many systems they use for operating the moving parts within the business, and we get to hear about his transition into generating passive income. Fuquan gives some important advice to those who are thinking about getting into wholesaling, and we learn what common problems pop up when building a good team in the long-term.

If you’re in real estate looking to earn passive income, or you’re thinking about entering the real estate industry, or even if you’re still trying to find the right vehicle to get you to your goal, this episode is for you.

Highlights of the Interview:
* “Rich Dad Poor Dad” was the catalyst that drove Corey to find his passion in real estate investing.
* He is able to say that he “wants to work” rather than saying he “has to work.”
* People often worry about capital, when in fact having a good infrastructure is the most important part.
* “You must have a plan, a purpose, and you must have the right systems in place in order to scale to the next level.”
* “If you’re thinking about getting your foot in it, just take that leap and get your first deal, because that’s what catapults you and gives you the confidence to go out and do whatever you want to do with it.”

#RealEstateInvestors #PassionForRealEstateInvesting #FuquanBilal

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