Have You Heard the News?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"
What were you doing when you heard the historic news? Roe overturned... finally. Brent Haynes and Paul Kengor join us.

ALSO – War Crimes and sub-culture within the Navy SEALS... Matthew Cole shares his book “Code over Country.”
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote Friday that the high court should reconsider rulings on contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage in a solo concurring opinion released Friday that struck down Roe v. Wade.
Death threats spread fast
Pro-abortion women are calling for a nationwide sex strike in retaliation against men for the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court’s landmark decision Friday.
PINK doesn’t want you to listen to her music anymore.
Christian Pregnancy Center in Colorado Set on Fire After Roe v. Wade Decision
Massive protest on a highway in LA
Protestors attempt to storm the Captial in Arizona and disrupt Senate session
Young woman attacked by ANTIFA in Seattle
Homeland security warns of attacks on Churches and clinics
Two priests were killed over the weekend in Nigeria by Fulani Muslims, one in Kaduna state and one in Edo state.

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What’s Concerning Us – Catching up
Roe v Wade – the historic consequences
Clarence Thomas – His B-Day present and the connections to other cases
6-3 Decision... Roberts joining... surprising?
The implications?
The fallout?
Where it goes from here?
The significance of the date chosen to release?
Stacking the court?

Guest Seg. Matthew Cole – Code over Country – Rocking the National Brand?
- https://www.eucharisticmiraclesmovie.com/
Navy SEALS are national heroes... almost our real live Marvel Superheroes.... but, there are cracks in the armor.
War crimes?
What are they doing to fix this?
Dick Marcinko

2nd Guest Seg. Paul Kengor – Roe v Wade, Pride – The American Spectator
The Historical significance of Roe v Wade
Connecting to Gay marriage
A fight for the soul of America - Pride and Flags -
Whose winning?

What are you discussing on Back to the Father?
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