Webinar| Trend setting Bangladeshi startups ChalDal, Kotha and Durjoy DSS

2 years ago

Annually, Bangladesh generates more than 5,000 IT graduates and currently, the internet penetration rate of the nation is at an above-average rate of 75%. Since 2010, Bangladesh’s startup ecosystem has gathered cumulative funding of US$742 million of which US$165 million was raised in just 2021 alone, almost quadruple that of what was raised in the year prior showcasing the country’s rapidly advancing ICT sector in the post-pandemic recovery phase. Currently, the nation has 1200 active startups and 200 new startups are joining the industry every year. Studies show that almost 70% of these aspiring startups are FinTech companies, 13.8% are logistics and mobility companies and almost 7% are e-commerce platforms with the remaining involved in HealthTech, EdTech and Consumer Services, all of which are becoming increasingly relevant and in-demand in the international financial and digital arenas. It is also interesting, and impressive, to note that approximately 90% of all funding for Bangladeshi startups comes from international investors partly also due to the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission’s decision to issue guidelines for small-cap stock exchanges which has greatly improved startup exit opportunities for investors.

Such thriving economic factors and skilled demographics are creating a fertile atmosphere for the cultivation of a rich startup ecosystem as a lack of STEM opportunities, mainly due to unrealised large scale industrialisation, is nudging the youthful ICT skilled labour towards more entrepreneurial activity.

In this webinar, we invited three dynamic individuals spearheading their own vibrant and uptrending startups in Bangladesh. Each startup is in a field different from the other; Durjoy DSS is a SaaS startup designed specifically for shop owners and retailers to automate their sales analytics using the help of data science; Kotha is a “made in Bangladesh” Social and Lifestyle App; and ChalDal is an e-commerce platform branching out into other services including food delivery, payment, transport and pharmaceutical e-commerce. Despite their differing fields, each startup shares a fierce entrepreneurial drive to change the Bangladeshi business ecosystem and disrupt the market with their technological innovations.

00:00 Julia Charlton's welcome speech
04:34 Ashraf Sachin about Durjoy DSS
15:25 Tashfin Delway about Kotha
30:17 Tanveer Rashid about Chaldal
40:37 Q&A session
1:03:20 Julia Charlton's closing remarks

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