The STRANGE Feeding Habits Of A Pollock Fish: A MUST WATCH

4 years ago

What Are The Feeding Habits Of Pollock Fish? Pollock (Pollachius pollachius), also known as European pollock or Atlantic pollock, is a white, round fish common in the North-East Atlantic. It is worth noting that it is a different species from pollock (Theragra Chalcogramma), also known as walleye pollock or Alaska pollock. This fish species comes from the North East Pacific Ocean.

What They Eat
Pollock feeds on deep-sea prawns and open water fish. Their diet includes Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), the lesser sand eel (Ammodytes tobianus), the European sprat (Sprattus sprattus), and the capelin (Mallotus villosus). They are usually seen within kelp forests, even shipwrecks, as well as hanging above them, searching for food.

As carnivorous fish, pollock actively hunt for their prey either in small groups or as individuals. They lie close to the sea bed, watch their prey, and suddenly dart up to grab their prey before returning to their former position. It is a tactic to allow their prey to regroup. With their reasonably large mouth and large size, they can measure up to 130 centimeters in length and weigh as much as 14 kilos. They are designed for their predator feeding habits, indeed.

Juvenile pollock learn their hunting skills from an early age, too – they have been observed preying on groups of mysid shrimps. Their hunting grounds also change as they age, from rocks and algae where they feed on crustaceans in the shallows to deeper waters (about 40 to 100 meters) when they reach three years of age. They can also be found hunting for crustaceans and other prey in estuaries.

As adults, pollock prefers depths of more than 100 meters. While pollock can live as an individual, they are more likely to form a group, known as a shoal, during the spawning season between January and April. The most intense spawning event happens in March. The eggs and larvae are then drifted toward shallow coastal waters.

What You Can Do To Catch Them
Pollock are a favorite among anglers because they easily take the bait. But it still makes sense to know the types of bait. As well as where and when to fish for them.

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