Living with an ICD: Surviving a Cardiac Arrest, Recovery, How It Feels, Most Often Asked Questions

1 year ago

Living with an ICD: Surviving a Cardiac Arrest, Recovery, How It Feels, Most Often Asked Questions
3,309 views Jul 28, 2021 It has been 4 months since I survived a sudden cardiac arrest, 4 months during which I am living with this ICD in me. I hope that with this video, I can add another resource on the internet that will help anyone who is going through the same thing.

Whoever you are, whether you have survived a sudden cardiac arrest or are getting an ICD, or both, you are not alone. I know your pain and I am here for you. If I can provide any more support, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the comment section below.

Ohh, and know that you are now a Heart Warrior: Keep fighting and wear this badge with pride.


There is a book that I recommend you to have:

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