Are You Asking People What Are Your Dreams?

3 years ago

One of the huge issues that exists in this world is something we refer to as the “soap opera” lifestyle. This is a lifestyle where lots and lots seems to be going on but nothing of any real significance.
One has to ask themselves at some point is what I am doing going to matter next week much less a year from now.
We often wonder what has happened in this world to where people’s natural instinct isn’t to get together, to love one another, to encourage one another to become better and to ask each other; Hey what is your dream and how can I support you in getting there.

If this could become the foundation of all relationships this world could turn around.

We hope and pray this is the future. We hope through our channel that people get together and start supporting each other in dreams.

Life is short. Don’t die with the music inside.

Do one small thing today to move you closer to that dream life.

It is right around the corner.

Hey you get out of the porta potty!

Jonathan Dunn is an award-winning coach who helps individuals and teams become the greatest-versions-of-themselves. He is also a dynamic public speaker and corporate facilitator for groups from 10 to 1,000. His topics range from internal corporate communication, to creative inspiration, to the power of creating a caring culture to living a fun and fulfilling life. His sense of humor, style and mode of presentation are always original, always colorful and always memorable. Testimonials provided upon request.

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