DEBUNKING Myths About Socialism

3 years ago

For years, political forces, regimes, and leaders driven by socialist ideologies and the teachings of Karl Marx have carved out brutal and bloody legacies of oppression.

Still, a frightening 70% of millennials say they would back a socialist candidate for office.

Today, we are seeing many socialist ideas gaining traction, such as “free” college tuition, government-run health care, and a guaranteed income even for able-bodied people who don’t work.

While we can blame some of the attraction on socialism’s false promises of fixing every social ill, the indoctrination present in our schools and universities, and members of the media who carry its water, some of the blame lies with us, the older generation.

Too often, we have failed to educate newer generations about socialism, instead leaving it up to others who have a different agenda.

It’s time we debunk some of the biggest myths about socialism.

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