4 years ago

The "manosphere is full of injured and broken little boys who have taken a page from the femini$t handbook and built a base "following" by espousing various levels of b.s. to garner attention from other simple, broken boys. The result is a quagmire of whining and posturing monkeys, trying their best to be the most apathetic version of the stricken little boy who is taking his toys and walking away, and/or pretending to be the biggest "alpha" with the "IDGAF" attitude towards women.....because "they're all like that!"

From what I've witnessed in 1/2 a hundred years is a drastic different set of circumstances. The most startling truth is this: It's not female's nature that is the problem for the myriad of horror stories told in the "mgtow/red-pill/manoshpere!" At least not in the manner that most "creators" would have you believe....

Scratch the surface and see if this fits YOU....

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