Ep. 5351 – Joe Lauria: Day One of the Assange Extradition Hearing – 9/7/2020

4 years ago

Joe Lauria gives an update on Julian Assange’s extradition trial in the UK. The biggest piece of news from day one is that certain media outlets are reporting 17 new charges added to Assange’s indictment, when in reality, there was simply a superseding indictment to add a little bit of new evidence, but which had to restate all of the original charges. Lauria explains that this new indictment is nothing more than a PR move, designed to elicit exactly this kind of false narrative that there’s a whole slew of new charges. In reality, none of Assange’s supposed crimes should stick—he’s basically guilty of jumping bail to evade questioning in connection with the dubious sexual assault charges from 2010. Everything else about this trial, says Lauria, is for show, and in particular to allow the U.S. government to demonstrate what happens to people who publish things that they don’t like.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/9-7-20-joe-lauria-on-julian-assanges-show-trial/

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