Your Betta Is Not Eating BECAUSE....

3 years ago

Why Is My Betta Fish Not Eating? If you have found growing fondly of Betta fish, then let this be a piece of advice for you: Betta fish are high-maintenance fish with specific needs. Betta fish are cute, little fish in vibrant colors with an elegant, flowing tail.

They may be small and graceful to watch, but they can be hard-headed, stubborn, and selfish because they are very territorial. They liked to be alone and they would fight to be alone.

No wonder they’re also called as the fighting fish, because of their aggressive nature. If you’re a first-time Betta keeper, you should know their characteristics and nature first so you may be understanding their needs and daily routines.

Betta fish are considered carnivores because they feed on live insects such as bloodworms, brine shrimps, and mosquito larvae. Just in case you are wondering why your Betta fish is not eating, that’s because you may be feeding them wrongly.

Their need for protein is their chance for survival and if Betta fish can’t have it, they would starve to death. Betta fish are picky and meticulous eaters and they also have low metabolism which means they can be fed only fewer times than the regular goldfish.

Betta’s Special Diet
The Betta fish’s stomach is the size of their eyeball and if there’s any food that they don’t like, they would easily reject. It’s true that Betta fish can survive without eating in 14 days, but not trying to feed them properly around those days is torturing already.

As mentioned above, they would need to eat foods rich in high protein, so you would like to make an effort to find out the best product for them. Also, do not confuse the Betta fish diet from the regular goldfish because their dietary routine is quite different from each other.

As pet owners, we can always think of what makes our pets happy. Sadly enough, fish are not like our pet dogs and cats who can communicate with us if they’re feeling hungry or stressed out. Anyway, here are a few lists of good Betta fish pellets that you can choose from.

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